Change of Address or Telephone Number
If you are a registered patient, please let us know if you move, or change your phone number. In an emergency, the doctor could go to the wrong address by mistake. Also, if we send you mail and it is returned, we could assume you have moved out of the area and take you off our practice list.
Please use our online form to notify us.
Providing medical reports and private medicals is not funded by the NHS, so if you require this work there will be a charge. We have tried to give an idea of what this cost would be in Patient Charges but please ask a member of staff for confirmation.
Carers – and Those They Care for
If you care for, or are being cared for by someone else, it is really helpful for the doctor to know. We will not discuss your treatment with your carer without your written consent. Please fill in our Carer Registration Form so that we have full contact details of your carer, including their telephone number.
We can help regarding services and support for carers in Swindon. Please contact us to find out more.
For Disabled Patients
Wheelchair access is available to our consulting rooms along with an accessible toilet.
There are disabled parking spaces available at the Surgery.
It would be helpful if patients with a visual impairment could ring beforehand to let us know what assistance you need.
Teaching & Training
This is a teaching and training practice and from time to time we have people here undergoing training of various kinds, from medical students to health professionals doing postgraduate training. We will let you know in advance if this is likely to affect you and, of course, get your consent beforehand. If you do not want to take part, that’s fine. It will not affect your treatment in any way.
Language Difficulties
If you are unable to communicate in English, we can use the telephone interpreting service, Language Line, we can also use Google Translate. This will help you understand what the doctor or nurse is saying. If you would find this helpful, please tell us when you book your appointment and we will allow extra time.
Rights and Responsibilities
We are committed to doing our very best to offer our patients the highest standards of medical care and treatment.
In return, we ask all our patients to behave responsibly towards the practice and our staff. This means keeping your appointments – or cancelling them if you cannot attend – and following any medical advice you are given.
On rare occasions, the relationship between the practice and a patient can break down completely and if this is the case, you can choose to register with another practice.
Similarly, we also have the right to remove a patient from our list but this would generally only follow a warning and we would give the patient concerned the specific reason for doing so.
We do have a ‘zero tolerance’ policy on verbal or physical abuse towards our staff and any such incident will be investigated by the Directors. In extreme cases of unreasonable behavior or violence, we would ask the Police to remove a patient from the building altogether.
As a courtesy to other people, we would ask patients not to use mobile phones in the waiting areas.