Sparcells Surgery


Cancer Support Groups available locally and Nationally:

Cancer Support Groups available locally and Nationally | Healthwatch Swindon

Wiltshire Breast Screening film

GWH breast Screening Subtitled 2 on Vimeo

Affected by Cancer (ABC) Email: [email protected] Swindon-based community self-help support group offering a warm welcome to anyone affected by cancer, patients, carers, relatives. and friends; an opportunity to meet in relaxed surroundings. Meetings: Lawn Community Centre, Windsor Road, Lawn, Swindon SN3 1LA They twice a month for details of meeting dates see website or Email: [email protected]

Ridgeway Breast Care Support Group Anyone affected by breast cancer is welcome. Funds raised support individuals with a breast cancer diagnosis. There are local information events, support meetings and pamper events. They meet twice a month please see website for details. Or Email: [email protected]

Living with Secondary Breast Cancer Group… Offering face to face and online support for people going through breast cancer and living with it. They also have information for Men who have breast Cancer. Email: [email protected] Tel: 0345 077 1893

Bowel Bunch Hold Monthly Social Meetups on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 11:30-13:30. This is in the Community Room at Tesco Extra, Ocotal Way, Swindon, SN1 2EH. Anyone affected by Bowel Cancer is welcome to attend. email [email protected]

Swindon IA (Ileostomy Association) – Swindon’s ostomy and pouch support group Self-help support group and a UK registered charity helping ostomy and pouch patients and their families Review of Cancer support on GP websites and support available locally return to a full and active life, following radical bowel surgery. Meetings: take place regularly in Swindon

Bladder Cancer Support Group (WESSEX) – Swindon Wessex Cancer Bladder Cancer with Action Bladder Cancer UK Support group working alongside Action Bladder Cancer UK charity offering information, advice and support to people living with bladder cancer. Group meetings are attended by a urology/oncology clinical nurse specialist from Great Western Hospital. Talks are also given by medical professionals and patients on bladder cancer related subjects and general topics of interest. People are advised to contact the group for details about meet ups. There is also the Action Bladder Cancer UK charity helpline on 0300 302 0085 or website for information on bladder cancer. Meetings: The Sun Inn, Marlborough Road, Swindon SN3 6AA Six meetings a year email or call for more details 07568551200 Email: [email protected]

Heads 2 Together head and neck cancer support Provides support and advice for people and their families/ friends on head and neck cancers. A great opportunity to share your cancer experience with other patients, think about your recovery, look towards the future, meet members of your medical support team in an informal friendly environment and learn more about living with Head and Neck Cancer. They have a local support group that meets approximately monthly at Tesco Extra community rooms see website for details. There is also a Helpline: 0800 0234 550 that can be contacted for advice.

OOSO- Oxford Oesophageal Stomach Organisation Formed in 2009 by a patient then they became a charity in 2013. Their main aim is to support patients and family members through a difficult time. With monthly zoom meetings and informal and friendly café catch up. The zoom meetings are well support by the clinicians and there are often speakers on the zoom meetings. The groups offer a friendly listening service from people who have been through treatments and understand the highs and lows of the journey. Although oxford based, OOSO supports many people going through treatment and beyond in Swindon and the surrounding areas. They also offer one to one telephone chats for people who would find that useful or are unable to attend zoom or face to face meetings. For more information go to: or email /call Matt contact – to email [email protected] or call Matt on 0775 9996969 (10am-4pm, 7 days/week)

Swindon Prostate Cancer Support Group Open to all with a diagnosis of prostate cancer, their families, and carers, from diagnosis through treatment and beyond. Initially formed in 2015. The group tries to have regular speakers for their meetings and aim to have staff from GWH attend. The group does not give medical advice, but it does benefit from having GWH staff attend most of the meetings. The meetings are fully of friendly chat, and everyone affected in some way by prostate cancer is welcome to attend, no matter where you have had or are having your treatment. Meetings: Currently take place at the Sun Inn near Coate water. Swindon See website for dates and details Call on 01793 Review of Cancer support on GP websites and support available locally 383550 or Email: [email protected]

5K YOUR WAY, MOVE AGAINST CANCER We are a supportive community that inspires and empowers people impacted by cancer to live an active & fulfilling lifestyle our way. There are local groups in Swindon and Marlborough. The groups meet once a month and you can do as much or as little of the 5k as you want. It is open to people living with or beyond cancer and their families/ friends. For more information visit 5k your way or contact the local groups. Website Where: Lydiard Park, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon SN5 3PA Meeting point: By the Forest cafe at Lydiard park Ambassadors: Michelle, Lauren and Greg Contact: [email protected]

Macmillan Personalised Care at GWH… The Macmillan Personalised Care team are here to support people to live well with and beyond cancer using a range of tools and opportunities that can enhance recovery and improve ability to ‘tackle tomorrow’. Our team focuses on patients’ mental and physical health and wellbeing needs, ranging from emotional and psychological support to pre-habilitation and rehabilitation. For more information, ask your Macmillan nurse about any of the services or you can self-refer to the team who will contact. Contact & Referrals Tel: 01793 607819 Email: [email protected] GWH Website:…

Local bereavement support group

Meets at Beechcroft library upper Stratton. It is for anyone who has suffered the loss of someone close not just from cancer. It is meets for a chat and a cup of tea weekly. This is a support group, not a professional counselling service. Review of Cancer support on GP websites and support available locally For information on meeting times please contact. Beechcroft Library on Swindon 01793 680030

Macmillan Financial advice Swindon

The Macmillan / Swindon CAB Benefits Advice Service provides a welfare benefits advice service to people affected by cancer with the aim of maximising income. Helping clients to access their entitlements to welfare benefits and other sources of financial help. The service also provides advice and information on a range of issues, including debt, housing and employment. For more information on this FREE, impartial, independent, confidential service; please contact 01793 496154. Opening times: 9am-4pm[email protected]

Butterfly Thyroid Cancer support Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust is the first national charity in the UK dedicated solely to the support of patients with Thyroid Cancer. Telephone 07399564463 Email [email protected]

Macmillan Cancer Support UK

Provides Cancer information and support If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, you can find a variety of support and information on their website or by calling their helpline. Helpline contact number 0808 808 00 00.

Macmillan Breast Care and Screening

Breast care | Easy read booklet | Macmillan Cancer Support

Cancer support UK

Cancer Support UK provides practical and emotional support to people living with cancer, both during and after the treatment period. We support people with all kinds of cancer across the UK. They also offer free comfort kits for people going through cancer treatment. Tel: 020 3983 7616 Email: [email protected]

Cancer research UK

Provides information on cancer treatments and support and advice both online and via their helpline. For information see their website or call their fee nurse helpline. Nurse Helpline 0808 800 4040 Questions about cancer? Call freephone 9 to 5 Monday to Friday

Live Through This Cancer support for the LGBTIQ+ community

live through this is a national cancer charity that offer support, information and advocating for people of the LGBTIQ+ community. Contact them via their website.

Look good feel better.

Look Good Feel Better is a National Cancer Charity. They run free workshops both virtually and at Cancer Care Centres and Hospitals across the UK to support women, men and young adults through this time. And to help them manage things like hair loss and physical changes to the skin. Telephone 01372 747 500 Email [email protected]


Date published: 16th October, 2023
Date last updated: 21st February, 2024